Welcome to CCBE | ACTIONS | Committees & Working Groups

Specialist committees and working groups made up of experts appointed by the national delegations discuss and develop policy papers on a wide range of areas affecting the European legal profession.

IT Law Committee

This committee monitors, influences and responds to developments in IT law and policy that affect the profession of a lawyer, the practice of law or the administration of justice. These developments may include legislation in force, legislative proposals and case law, international agreements, as well as non-legislative initiatives, including industry developments. In doing so, the committee seeks to promote the highest professional standards and best practice by the legal profession in relation to these topics.































      Czech Republic



      Czech Republic


      Joergen Bek Weiss





























































      Slovak Republic



      Slovak Republic









      The Netherlands



      United Kingdom


      Iain G.

      United Kingdom


CCBE Statement on the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles (16/02/2023)


CCBE position paper on the proposal for a regulation on the digitalisation of judicial cooperation and access to justice in cross border civil commercial and criminal ...


CCBE position paper on the Data Act (25/11/2022)


CCBE position paper on the e ID proposal (01/04/2022)


CCBE position paper on the Artificial Intelligence Act (08/10/2021)


Public consultation on digitalisation of cross border judicial cooperation (30/04/2021)


CCBE comments on the Communication on Digitalisation of justice in the European Union (26/03/2021)


CCBE Position paper on the e-Codex proposal (26/03/2021)


CCBE comments on the roadmap on the digitalization of justice in the EU (04/09/2020)


CCBE Response to the consultation on the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (05/06/2020)


CCBE response to the European Commission Consultation on the European Data Strategy (28/05/2020)


CCBE Position on the proposals for amending the regulations on service of documents and the taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters (19/10/2018)


CCBE Response to the Public Consultation on service of documents and taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters (26/02/2018)


CCBE Response to the Public Consultation on improving cross border access to electronic evidence in criminal matters (20/10/2017)


CCBE Guidance on main new compliance measures for lawyers regarding GDPR (19/05/2017)


CCBE position regarding the use of videoconferencing in cross-border criminal proceedings (29/11/2014)


CCBE Response Consultation from the European Commission concerning Trusted Cloud Europe (28/05/2014)


CCBE Comparative Study on Governmental Surveillance of Lawyers’ Data in the Cloud (04/04/2014)


CCBE Position on the proposed electronic identity and trust services regulation (COM(2012) 238/2) (30/11/2012)


CCBE Position on the proposed data protection reform package COM(2012) 11 and COM(2012) 10 (07/09/2012)


Technological choices of CCBE in the electronic identification of EU lawyers (01/02/2012)


CCBE response regarding the European Commission Public Consultation on Cloud Computing (09/09/2011)


CCBE position on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 89/666/EEC, 2005/56/EC and 2009/101/EC as regards the i...


CCBE Position on electronic identification, authentication and signatures (02/05/2011)


CCBE response to the Commission communication on a comprehensive approach on data protection in the European Union (21/01/2011)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on the interconnection of business registers (SEC (2009) 1492) (23/01/2010)


CCBE Position on the Legal Framework for the Fundamental Right to Protection of Personal Data (04/01/2010)


First implementation paper for CCBE e Justice strategy (29/11/2008)


CCBE Comments on the draft framework decision on the retention of data (29/02/2005)


Keynote speech by Ms. Anabela Pedroso, State Secretary for Justice of Portugal, on Digitalisation of Justice in the EU (26/03/2021)


Open letter from the CCBE President on the future of e CODEX and involvement of the CCBE (03/11/2020)


CCBE comments WP29 Guidelines on Article 49 GDPR (29/03/2018)


CCBE Comments on the Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment DPIA (22/05/2017)


Letter from the President of the CCBE to the NSA regarding client confidentiality (28/07/2014)


CCBE considerations on the Legal Aspects of AI (20/02/2020)


CCBE Guidance on main new compliance measures for lawyers regarding GDPR (19/05/2017)


CCBE Recommendations regarding the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (02/12/2016)


CCBE Guidance on Improving the IT Security of Lawyers Against Unlawful Surveillance (2016)


CCBE Recommendations concerning the annulment of the Data Retention Directive (12/09/2014)


CCBE guidelines on the use of cloud computing services by lawyers (07/09/2012)


CCBE Guidance electronic communication internet (24/10/2008)


CCBE Recommandation Outcome of national implementation of the data retention directive (31/01/2008)


Framework for establishing a European Electronic ID-cards system (15/10/2007)


Technical standards for interoperability of electronic ID cards (15/10/2007)


CCBE Recommendations on Electronic ID cards for the legal profession (15/02/2007)


Guidelines for e-signature projects and for using electronic signatures by legal professionals (15/02/2007)


CCBE Recommendation for the implementation of the Data retention Directive (15/09/2006)


Electronic Communication and Internet (30/12/2005)


Guidance for European Lawyers regarding Electronic Communication and the Internet (25/11/2000)


CCBE Guide on lawyers use of online legal platforms (29/06/2018)


CCBE recommandations for Stockholm Programme (16/10/2009)


Guide on the use of Artificial Intelligence-based tools by lawyers and law firms in the EU (2022)


Report on opportunities and barriers in the use of NLP tools in SME law practices (26/11/2021)


Overview of the average state of the art IT capabilities in the EU (February 2021)


CCBE Statement on the use of AI in the justice system and law enforcement (25/05/2023)


Joint Statement to call on the EU to ban predictive and profiling systems in policing and criminal justice in the AI (01/03/2022)


CCBE Statement on mass electronic surveillance by government bodies (including of European lawyers’ data) (14/10/2013)


CCBE Statement on governmental practices involving mass data mining for the purpose of surveillance (01/07/2013)