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Position Papers

CCBE responses to the questions of the European Commission on the future of the internal market (14/07/2006)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on conflicts of jurisdiction and the principle of ne bis in idem (28/04/2006)


CCBE Economic Submission to Commission progress report on Competition in Professional Services (31/03/2006)


CCBE Response to the European Commission Consultation on Future Priorities for the Action Plan of Modernising Company Law and enhancing Corporate Governance in the Eur...


CCBE Response on the Proposal for a Directive on the Exercise of Voting Rights by Shareholders of Companies having their registered Office in a Member State and whose ...


CCBE comments on Commission progress report on competition in professional services (19/11/2005)


CCBE response to the green paper on divorce (16/09/2005)


CCBE response to the green paper on succession and wills (16/09/2005)


CCBE Position on Multi-disciplinary Partnerships (MDPs) (30/06/2005)


CCBE Position on Non Lawyers Owned Firms (30/06/2005)


CCBE Position on Regulatory and Representative Functions of Bars (30/06/2005)


CCBE Response to the European Commission Second Consultation on Fostering an Appropriate Regime for Shareholders Rights (30/06/2005)


CCBE Response to the European Commission Green Paper on Financial Services Policy (2005-2010) (30/06/2005))


Position of the CCBE on the proposal for a directive on services in the internal market (24/06/2005)


CCBE position on the proposal for a Directive on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters (01/04/2005)