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Position Papers

CCBE response to FATF consultation paper: The review of the standards preparation for the 4th round of the mutual evaluation 2nd public consultation (09/09/2011)


CCBE comments on the Draft Rules of Procedure (09/09/2011)


Commentaires du CCBE sur le projet de règlement de procédure (09/09/2011)


CCBE briefing paper on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and on the right to communicate upon arrest (08/07/2011)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on the EU c orporate governance framework (24/06/2011)


CCBE position paper concerning the feasibility study carried out by the Expert Group on European Contract Law (24/06/2011)


CCBE Response to the Proposal for a Regulation on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters (recast), COM (2010) 7...


CCBE position on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 89/666/EEC, 2005/56/EC and 2009/101/EC as regards the...


CCBE position on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 89/666/EEC, 2005/56/EC and 2009/101/EC as regards the i...


Draft Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice (25/05/2011)


Projet de règlement de procédure de la Cour de justice (25/05/2011)


CCBE position on the proposal for a directive as regards the interconnection of central commercial and companies registers (21/05/2011)


CCBE Position on electronic identification, authentication and signatures (02/05/2011)


Information exchange form between US and CCBE Lawyer Disciplinary Bodies (29/04/2011)


CCBE response to the European Commission's consultation paper on the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution as a means to resolve disputes related to commercial transac...