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Position Papers

CCBE response to the Commission's consultation on the consumer collective redress benchmarks (14/03/2008)


CCBE Response to the European Commission draft code of conduct for interest representatives (31/01/2008)


CCBE Position on the preliminary Draft report of Alexander Stubb (FI, EPP-ED) on the development of the framework for the activities of interest representatives (lobby...


CCBE Position Paper on certain Principles of European Contract Law Freedom of contract Standard terms of contract Notion of professional and consumer Remedies and dama...


CCBE position on the European Transparency Initiative (24/11/2007)


Position of the CCBE regarding the simplification of European Company Law (08/11/2007)


CCBE response on the Consultation Paper from the European Commission on a possible Statute for a European Private Company (EPC) (08/11/2007)


CCBE response to the green paper on improving the efficiency of the enforcement of judgments in the EU (01/05/2007)


CCBE Response to the Green Paper on the review of the Consumer Acquis (30/03/2007)


CCBE comments on the Commission Staff Working Document The application to the legal profession of Directive 91308EEC on the prevention of the use of the financial syst...


CCBE Letter concerning the Proposal for a Council Regulation on jurisdiction, applicable Law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relat...


CCBE letter regarding the Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) no 2201/2003 as regards jurisdiction and introducing rules concerning applicable l...


CCBE Response to the Green Paper from the European Commission on conflict of laws in matters concerning matrimonial property regimes, including the question of jurisdi...


CCBE Position Paper on the Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligations (ROME I) Com(2005)6...


CCBE Response to the Green Paper from the European Commission on European Transparency Initiative (15/09/2006)