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Position Papers

CSR and the role of the legal profession (07/02/2013)


A European Public Prosecutor s Office EPPO (07/02/2013)


Overview of CSR developments at a national level (31/01/2013)


Access to a lawyer and the right to inform a third party upon deprivation of liberty (22/01/2013)


CCBE Position on the proposed electronic identity and trust services regulation (COM(2012) 238/2) (30/11/2012)


CCBE Response to the April 2012 Commission Report on the application of Directive 2005/60/EC (21/01/2012)


Comments by the CCBE on the reform of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court (08/10/2012)


CCBE Position on the proposed data protection reform package COM(2012) 11 and COM(2012) 10 (07/09/2012)


CCBE Position on the proposals for Council regulations on jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of matrimonial prope...


CCBE Position Paper on the proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011)0635) (07/09/2012)


CCBE General Response to the European Commission Consultation on the Transparency Register (07/09/2012)


CCBE comments on the Commission's Proposal for a Directive on Alternative Disputes Resolution(ADR) for consumer disputes and proposal for a Regulation on Online Disput...


CCBE comments on the Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Statute for a European Foundation (FE) (22/06/2012)


CCBE response to the Council text of 31 May 2012 regarding the proposed Directive on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and on the right to commun...


CCBE submission to the Public Hearing Ethical limits of cooperation and association between foreign legal consultants firms and Brazilian law firms (30/04/2012)