2202 results:
511. FR_HRL_20190218_Leaflet_Attacks-on-Lawyers_2019.pdf  
Council of Bars & Law Societies of Europe Conseil des barreaux européens THREATS TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION MENACES SUR LA PROFESSION D’AVOCAT “In democratic systems, lawyers have a seminal role to  
512. EN_HR_20190520_Joint-call-to-the-UN-for-urgent-action-in-support-of-Turkish-lawyers.pdf  
BY EMAIL Quick Response Desk Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva 8-14 Avenue de la Paix CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Fax: 0041 22 917 9006 E-mail:  
513. FR_EPL_20130518_CCBE_Comments_JURI_report_on_CESL.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 – F. : +32 (0)2  
514. FR_EPL_20150424_CCBE_position_on_the_revision_of_the_proposed_CESL.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 – F. : +32 (0)2  
515. EN_HR_20120131_Practical_guide_on_admissibility_criteria.pdf  
PRACTICAL GUIDE ON ADMISSIBILITY CRITERIA Publishers or organisations wishing to reproduce this report (or a translation thereof) in print or online are asked to contact publishing@echr.coe.int  
516. CN_HR_20170323_Joint-Statement-on-Fair-Trail.pdf  
國際法律專業團體及人權組織 聯合聲明 公正審判:709 案再度開審前的嚴正呼籲 致: 各媒體採訪主任 (供即時發放) 由: 中國維權律師關注組、臺灣聲援中國人權律師網絡 事宜: 709 案再度開審,國際人權團體連署呼籲中國應公平審判 日期: 2017 年 3 月 23 日 查詢/採訪︰ 陳潔文 中國維權律師關注組總幹事(+852 2388 1377) 周慶昌  
517. EN_HR_20041127_CCBE-Resolution-on-Human-Rights-and-the-Rule-of-Law.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CCBE RESOLUTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE RULE OF LAW Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of  
518. EN_HR_20051119_CCBE-Statement-on-the-balance-between-security-and-justice-in-anti-terrorist-legislation.pdf  
CCBE Statement on the balance between security and justice in anti-terrorist legislation The Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), which through the national Bars and Law Societies  
519. EN_ETR_20081024_Recommentdation_for_the_CCBE_member_bars_regarding_their_registration_in_the_Commissions_register.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers RECOMMENDATION FOR THE CCBE MEMBER BARS REGARDING THEIR REGISTRATION IN THE COMMISSION’S REGISTER Conseil des barreaux européens –  
520. EN_Paulino_Perreira_2.pdf  
PRACTISING FAMILY LAW IN EUROPE Mediation Directive on Mediation in Civil and Comercial Matters F.R. PAULINO PEREIRA Council of the European Union General Presentation I. Objective of the  
Search results 511 until 520 of 2202