287 results:
261. EN_CSR_20080630_CSR-and-the-role-of-the-legal-profession-A-guide-for-European-Lawyers-update-n-2.pdf  
... to media or NGO criticism; - Undertake assessment of concrete CSR projects; - Provide assurance statements on CSR reporting in relation to scope, relevance and compliance with international...  
262. Considérations du CCBE sur les aspects juridiques de l'intelligence artificielle (20/02/2020)  
... civile : à propos des dommages causés par les choses intelligentes, Responsabilité civile et assurances, étude 6, 2016; Service de recherche du Parlement européen : A common EU approach to liability rules...  
263. EN_SOC_20040326_Rome_Questionnaire.pdf  
... maladie (BCAM) : 1.1 Fédération mutualiste parisienne (FMP) : 1.1 Mutuelle du Mans assurances (MMA) : 1.1 Réunion des assureurs maladie (RAM) : 1.1 Caisse nationale des Barreaux de France...  
264. EN_CSR_20170519_Guidance-III.pdf  
... disclosures that have been covered in a sustainability report. A ‘+’ Level indicates that external assurance has been sought against an internationally recognised standard e.g. the AA1000 AccountAbility...  
265. EN_AML_20160916_CCBE_comments_on_the_proposal__to_amend_Directive_on_the_prevention_of_the_use_of_the_financial_system_for_the_purpose_of_money_laundering_or_terrorist_financing.pdf  
... Putting assets into a trust is a way to minimise these threats. It is also possible to hold a life assurance policy on trust to ensure any proceeds are not paid into the deceased’s estate, for inheritance...  
266. FR_CSR_20080630_CSR-and-the-role-of-the-legal-profession-A-guide-for-European-Lawyers-update-n-2.pdf  
...rtenaire privilégié” ; - Satisfaction et fidélisation de la clientèle ; - Diminution des primes d’assurance ; - - Amélioration de la gestion du risque ; Accès préférentiel aux marchés de capitaux ; Possibilité...  
267. FR_CELEX_32005L0036_FR_TXT.pdf  
... professionnelles, telles que celles existant dans le secteur des transports, des intermédiaires d'assurances et des contrôleurs légaux des comptes. La présente directive n'affecte pas la mise en œuvre de la...  
268. FR_eJ_20081202_Forum_on_judicial_cooperation_in_civil_matters_-_e-Juscie_-_a_tool_for_citizens__practitioners_and_business.pdf  
... car, pour de nombreux utilisateurs, ce portail unique suffirait dès lors qu’ils auraient l’assurance que les données disponibles proviennent de sources officielles. De plus, cette option...  
269. EN_CPT_20071115_The_Legal_Profession_-_Competition_and_liberalisation_by_Copenhagen_Economics.pdf  
... to prevent conflicts of interest and misleading advertising, provided that they:(a) give end-users the assurance that 6 7 Danish daily finance newspaper ‘Børsen’ 20th June 2005, “Businesses satisfied with...  
270. EN_CSR_20130131_Overview-of-CSR-developments-at-a-national-level.pdf  
... do not work with CSR. The CSR disclosure in the annual report shall be considered when external assurance is made. For the accounting year 2010 the legal requirement on CSR disclosure was edited in order...  
Search results 261 until 270 of 287