1353 results:
1091. EN_CPL_20081024_CCBE_Comments_on_the_proposed_Statute_for_a_European_Private_Company.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s law yers CCBE COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED S TATUTE FOR A EUROPEAN PRIVATE COMPANY Co nse i l d e s b a r r e a ux e ur o p é e ns – Co unc i l o  
1092. Case 294/89 Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic (10/07/1991)  
Case 294/89 Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic (10/07/1991) Case 294/89 Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic (10/07/1991) Case 294/89 Commission of the  
1093. FR_PDS_20181019_ECHR-Guide_2018.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens La voix de la profession d’avocat en Europe Rue Joseph II, 40/8 - 1000 Bruxelles T +32 (0)2 234 65 10 - ccbe@ccbe.eu - www.ccbe.eu LA COUR EUROPÉENNE DES DROITS DE  
1094. Case C -340/89 Irène Vlassopoulou v. Ministerium für Justiz, Bundes - und Europaangelegenheiten Baden - Württemberg (7/05/1991)  
Case C -340/89 Irène Vlassopoulou v. Ministerium für Justiz, Bundes - und Europaangelegenheiten Baden - Württemberg (7/05/1991) Case C -340/89 Irène Vlassopoulou v. Ministerium für Justiz, Bundes -  
1095. EN_ITL_20060915_CCBE_Recommendation_for_the_implementation_of_the_Data_retention_Directive.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CCBE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DATA RETENTION DIRECTIVE Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law  
1096. FR_MIG_20170223_Comments-on-common-asylum-procedure.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 Email :  
1097. FR_MIG_20170223_Comments-on-common-asylum-procedure.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 Email :  
1098. DE_newsletter_51.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Michel Benichou bei den VIII Encuentros en Madrid Nr. 51 April 2016 Editorial – Der Sinn des Rechts – CCBE-Konferenz über Innovation und die Zukunft der Anwaltschaft – Die Zukunft  
1099. DE_newsletter_51.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Michel Benichou bei den VIII Encuentros en Madrid Nr. 51 April 2016 Editorial – Der Sinn des Rechts – CCBE-Konferenz über Innovation und die Zukunft der Anwaltschaft – Die Zukunft  
1100. EN_EPL_20080131_CCBE_Position_Paper_on_certain_Principles_of_European_Contract_Law.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CCBE Position Paper on certain Principles of European Contract Law Freedom of contract Standard terms of contract Notion of  
Search results 1091 until 1100 of 1353