2202 results:
1251. RU_newsletter_42.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo MEP António Marinho e Pinto - Источник: © European Union 2014 - EP N° 42 Май 2015 Европейский суд по правам человека отстаивает свободу волеизъявления адвокатов - Предстоящие  
1252. EN_newsletter_46.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Paleis van Justitie (Court house), the Hague N° 46 October 2015 Prakken d’Oliveira case, ruling upheld-EU parliament calls for the protection of lawyerclient communications - Report  
1253. EN_newsletter_46.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Paleis van Justitie (Court house), the Hague N° 46 October 2015 Prakken d’Oliveira case, ruling upheld-EU parliament calls for the protection of lawyerclient communications - Report  
1254. EN_HRL_20140627_China_Pu_Zhiqiang.pdf  
Le Président The President President Xi Jinping The State Council General Office 2 Fuyoujie Xichengqu Beijingshi 100017 People's Republic of China Brussels, 27 June 2014 Re: Concerns regarding the  
1255. EN_CTR_Turkey_Note.pdf  
THE CONTINUING TRAINING REGIME IN TURKEY BRIEF NOTE April 2012 Continuing training is not mandatory in Turkey. However, there are some provisions in Attorneyship Law that assigns a duty to the Union  
1256. IT_newsletter_46.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Paleis van Justitie (Palazzo di Giustizia), l’Aia N° 46 Ottobre 2015 Caso Prakken d’Oliveira, confermata la sentenza di primo grado – Il Parlamento europeo sollecita la protezione  
1257. IT_newsletter_46.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Paleis van Justitie (Palazzo di Giustizia), l’Aia N° 46 Ottobre 2015 Caso Prakken d’Oliveira, confermata la sentenza di primo grado – Il Parlamento europeo sollecita la protezione  
1258. DE_newsletter_48.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo CCBE-Präsidium 2016, Generalsekretär Philip Buisseret und ehem. Präsidentin Maria Ślązak Nr. 48 Dezember 2015 – Januar 2016 Editorial – 2016: Das Jahr aller Gefahren? –  
1259. EN_HRL_20140723_China_Chang_Boyang.pdf  
Le Président The President President Xi Jinping The State Council General Office 2 Fuyoujie Xichengqu Beijingshi 100017 People's Republic of China Brussels, 23 July 2014 Re: Concerns regarding the  
1260. DE_newsletter_48.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo CCBE-Präsidium 2016, Generalsekretär Philip Buisseret und ehem. Präsidentin Maria Ślązak Nr. 48 Dezember 2015 – Januar 2016 Editorial – 2016: Das Jahr aller Gefahren? –  
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