1695 results:
471. EN_PECO_20100720_Serbia_-_Expert_opinion_addressed_to_Ministry_of_justice__Fiscal_cash_registers__20072010_.pdf  
Le Président The President Mrs. SNEŽANA MALOVIĆ Minister of Justice of Republic of Serbia Nemanjina 22-26, Belgrade Serbia e-mail: kabinet@mpravde.gov.rs Brussels, 20 July 2010 Object: Fiscal Cash  
472. EN_newsletter_65.pdf  
CCBEInfo # 65 September 2017 || European Lawyers Day 2017 || CCBE Training conference || CCBE statement on professional secrecy / legal professional privilege || CCBE response to European  
473. EN_newsletter_65.pdf  
CCBEInfo # 65 September 2017 || European Lawyers Day 2017 || CCBE Training conference || CCBE statement on professional secrecy / legal professional privilege || CCBE response to European  
474. EN_HRL_20110830_Syria_Harrassment_and_arbitrary_arrests_of_lawyers.pdf  
30/08/2011 Le Président The President Mr. President Bashar al-Assad Presidential Palace al-Rashid Street Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Re: Concerns over the escalation of acts of harassment and  
475. EN_HRL_20120604_Mexico_Vidulfo_Rosales_Sierra.pdf  
La Présidente The President President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa The President of Mexico Palacio Nacional Edificio 10, Planta Baja Col. Centro, Deleg. Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06067 Mexico, Distrito  
476. EN_HRL_20120604_Mexico_Vidulfo_Rosales_Sierra.pdf  
La Présidente The President President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa The President of Mexico Palacio Nacional Edificio 10, Planta Baja Col. Centro, Deleg. Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06067 Mexico, Distrito  
477. EN_PECO_20170426_Georgia-_Violations_of_Rights_of_Lawyers.pdf  
Le Président The President Mr. Giorgi Margvelashvili President of Georgia Administration of the President of Georgia, 1 M. Abdushelishvili Street Tbilisi 0103 Georgia Brussels, 26 April 2017 Your  
478. CCBE ID Card  
The CCBE identity card was created in 1978. The CCBE produces the card, but does not issue it to the individual lawyer. The card is delivered to the national bar or to the national, regional or  
479. EN_HRL_20150312_Italy_Nicola_Canestrini.pdf  
La Présidente The President Mr Matteo Renzi President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri Palazzo Chigi Piazza Colonna 370 00187 Roma -  
480. EN_HRL_20150312_Italy_Nicola_Canestrini.pdf  
La Présidente The President Mr Matteo Renzi President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri Palazzo Chigi Piazza Colonna 370 00187 Roma -  
Search results 471 until 480 of 1695