952 results:
881. CCBE Response to the consultation on the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (05/06/2020)  
CCBE Response to the consultation on the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (05/06/2020) CCBE Response to the consultation on the European Commission’s White Paper on  
882. EN_ECJ_19740621_2-74_CELEX_61974CJ0002_TXT.pdf  
JUDGMENT OF 21. 6. 1974 — CASE 2/74 connexion with the exercise of official authority; it is not possible to give this description, in the context of a profession such as that of avocat,  
883. EN_HRL_20190218_Leaflet_Attacks-on-Lawyers_2019.pdf  
Council of Bars & Law Societies of Europe Conseil des barreaux européens THREATS TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION MENACES SUR LA PROFESSION D’AVOCAT “In democratic systems, lawyers have a seminal role to  
884. FR_HRL_20190218_Leaflet_Attacks-on-Lawyers_2019.pdf  
Council of Bars & Law Societies of Europe Conseil des barreaux européens THREATS TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION MENACES SUR LA PROFESSION D’AVOCAT “In democratic systems, lawyers have a seminal role to  
885. Threats to the Legal Profession (2019)  
Threats to the Legal Profession (2019) Threats to the Legal Profession (2019) Council of Bars & Law Societies of Europe Conseil des barreaux européens THREATS TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION MENACES SUR LA  
886. Threats to the Legal Profession (2019)  
Threats to the Legal Profession (2019) Threats to the Legal Profession (2019) Threats to the Legal Profession (2019) Threats to the Legal Profession (2019) Threats to the Legal Profession  
887. FR_CELEX_32013L0048_FR_TXT.pdf  
6.11.2013 FR Journal officiel de l’Union européenne L 294/1 I (Actes législatifs) DIRECTIVES DIRECTIVE 2013/48/UE DU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ET DU CONSEIL du 22 octobre 2013 relative au droit d’accès  
888. FR_Italy_Code_deontolgoique_de_la_profession_d_avocat.pdf  
CODE DÉONTOLOGIQUE DE LA PROFESSION D’AVOCAT Approuvé par le Consiglio Nazionale Forense le 31 janvier 2014 TITRE I PRINCIPES GÉNÉRAUX Art. 1– L’avocat 1. L’avocat assure, en toutes circonstances, le  
889. PT_CELEX_32013L0048_PT_TXT.pdf  
6.11.2013 PT Jornal Oficial da União Europeia L 294/1 I (Atos legislativos) DIRETIVAS DIRETIVA 2013/48/UE DO PARLAMENTO EUROPEU E DO CONSELHO de 22 de outubro de 2013 relativa ao direito de  
890. ES_CELEX_32013L0048_ES_TXT.pdf  
6.11.2013 ES Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea L 294/1 I (Actos legislativos) DIRECTIVAS DIRECTIVA 2013/48/UE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 22 de octubre de 2013 sobre el derecho a la  
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