294 results:
231. CCBE recommendations on the protection of client confidentiality within the context of surveillance activities (2016)  
... (12629/87), 1991, §48. Also see ECtHR, Domenichini v. Italy (15943/90), 1996, §39; ECtHR, Öcalan v. Turkey (46221/99), 2005, §1333; ECtHR, Moiseyev v. Russia (62936/00), 2008, §209; ECtHR, Campbell v. the United...  
232. DE_newsletter_81.pdf  
... die Situation mit dem Titel “Lawyers on Trial: Abusive Prosecutions and Erosion of Fair Trial Rights in Turkey” veröffentlicht, der mehrere Empfehlungen an die türkische Regierung, die Union der türkischen...  
233. DE_newsletter_81.pdf  
... die Situation mit dem Titel “Lawyers on Trial: Abusive Prosecutions and Erosion of Fair Trial Rights in Turkey” veröffentlicht, der mehrere Empfehlungen an die türkische Regierung, die Union der türkischen...  
234. FR_CONV_20170915_CCBE-contribution-european-convention-profession-lawyer.pdf  
... CCBE letter of July 2017 on adopted amendments to the Polish Act on the National Council...  
235. EN_INS_20110131_-Summary-of-answers-to-the-CCBE-Professional-Indemnity-Insurance-questionnaire-2009.pdf  
... (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Iceland, FYRO Macedonia, 2 Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine) . The questionnaire addressed three different sections: 1. Data on Liability law (specific...  
236. EN_PDS_20161021_The-European-Court-of-Human-Rights-Questions-Answers-for-Lawyers.pdf  
... give full effect to judgments of the Court - for example in Armenia, Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, and Turkey). 41. Who monitors a State’s compliance with judgments of the Court? The CM is responsible for...  
237. EN_PDS_20181019_ECHR-Guide_2018.pdf  
... announcement of the decision (see Papachelas v. Greece 31423/96 § 30, ECHR 1999-II, Sabri Güneş v. Turkey 29 June 2012). For example: • When no notice is provided under national law, the date to be taken into...  
238. 2017_ANNUAL_REPORT.pdf  
... letters and statements (such as the joint statement with journalists and judges on the situation in Turkey), through our 11th Human Rights Award, and last but not least, through our recent work on the Council...  
239. ANNUAL REPORT 2017  
... letters and statements (such as the joint statement with journalists and judges on the situation in Turkey), through our 11th Human Rights Award, and last but not least, through our recent work on the Council...  
240. ANNUAL REPORT 2017  
... letters and statements (such as the joint statement with journalists and judges on the situation in Turkey), through our 11th Human Rights Award, and last but not least, through our recent work on the Council...  
Search results 231 until 240 of 294