1184 results:
821. EN_newsletter_84.pdf  
CCBEInfo # 84 September 2019 |CCBE | Standing Committee in Copenhagen |New | European Commission |Democracy, | the rule of law and fundamental rights |Spotlight | on European lawyers: Romana  
822. EN_HR_20161010_Statement_Death_Penalty.pdf  
Statement on the possible reinstatement of the death penalty in Turkey The right to life is guaranteed by all major international and regional human rights treaties. The European Court of Human  
823. Join letter to the UN Special Rapporteurs on the case concerning Tahir Elçi's killing (02/03/2021)  
20210301 Tahir Elci UAL to the UN Special Rapporteurs to share 20210301 Tahir Elci UAL to the UN Special Rapporteurs to share 20210301 Tahir Elci UAL to the UN Special Rapporteurs to share 20210301  
824. FR_CRM_20170331_CCBE-Comments-on-Commission-Proposal-on-countering-money-lau.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 Email :  
825. Overview of letters in support of endangered lawyers 2019  
Overview of letters in support of endangered lawyers 2019 List of letters in support of endangered lawyers in 2019 COUNTRY Lawyers concerned Letter sent the: Link to the letter Types of HR  
826. PT_newsletter_48.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Presidência do CCBE 2016, Secretário-Geral Philip Buisseret e a antiga Presidente Maria Ślązak N° 48 Dezembro 2015 – Janeiro 2016 Editorial - 2016: O ano de todos os perigos? –  
827. PT_newsletter_48.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Presidência do CCBE 2016, Secretário-Geral Philip Buisseret e a antiga Presidente Maria Ślązak N° 48 Dezembro 2015 – Janeiro 2016 Editorial - 2016: O ano de todos os perigos? –  
828. EN_PECO_20100208_Letter_to_Prime_Minister_of_the_Republic_of_Macedonia.pdf  
Le Président The President To: Mr. NIKOLA GRUEVSKI Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Address: Boulevard Ilinden bb, 1000 Skopje E-mail: cabinet@primeminister.gov.mk Brussels, 8 February  
829. Overview of letters in support of endangered lawyers 2019  
Overview of letters in support of endangered lawyers 2019 Overview of letters in support of endangered lawyers 2019 Overview of letters in support of endangered lawyers 2019 Overview of letters in  
830. speech_mc_lean.pdf  
CCBE Seminar The legal profession in Europe: Access to Justice/ The lawyer and the State Chisinau 21 October 2005 Speaking points Europe – Moldova • Since enlargement in 2004 the European Union has  
Search results 821 until 830 of 1184