1184 results:
681. EN_HRL_20170809_China_Concerns-regarding-the-ongoing-incommunicado-detention-of-lawyer-Wang-Quanzhang.pdf  
Le Président The President His Excellency Xi Jinping The State Council General Office 2 Fuyoujie Xichengqu Beijingshi 100017 People's Republic of China Brussels, 9 August 2017 Re: Concerns  
682. FR_HRL_20180423_Niger_Arrestations-de-l-avocat-Lirwana-Abdourahmane-et-d-autres-defenseurs-des-droits-de-l-homme.pdf  
Le Président The President Son Excellence Marou Amadou Ministre de la Justice Ministère de la Justice N24, Niamey République du Niger Bruxelles, 23 avril 2018 Objet : Arrestations de l'avocat  
683. FR_HRL_20180423_Niger_Arrestations-de-l-avocat-Lirwana-Abdourahmane-et-d-autres-defenseurs-des-droits-de-l-homme.pdf  
Le Président The President Son Excellence Marou Amadou Ministre de la Justice Ministère de la Justice N24, Niamey République du Niger Bruxelles, 23 avril 2018 Objet : Arrestations de l'avocat  
684. EN_HR_20121105_UN_Declaration_of_the_High-level_Meeting_of_the_67th_Session_of_the_General_Assembly_on_the_rule_of_law.pdf  
A/67/L.1* United Nations General Assembly Distr.: Limited 19 September 2012 Original: English Sixty-seventh session Agenda item 83 The rule of law at the national and international levels Draft  
685. EN_HRL_20140714_Saudi_Arabia_Waleed_Abu_Al-Khair.pdf  
Le Président The President King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Office of His Majesty the King Royal Court, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Brussels, 14 July  
686. EN_HRL_20140714_Saudi_Arabia_Waleed_Abu_Al-Khair.pdf  
Le Président The President King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Office of His Majesty the King Royal Court, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Brussels, 14 July  
687. CCBE concerns and propositions regarding the current phase of reactivation of the justice system in the light of the COVID (24/06/2020)  
CCBE concerns and propositions regarding the current phase of reactivation of the justice system in the light of the COVID (24/06/2020) CCBE concerns and propositions regarding the current phase of  
688. EN_DEON_20030930_Update_of_th_Edwards_report.pdf  
THE PROFESSIONAL SECRET, CONFIDENTIALITY AND LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE IN EUROPE (An update on the Report by D.A.O. Edward, QC) The present paper intends to present an update to the Edward’s  
689. EN_newsletter_62.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo N° 62 May 2017 127th Plenary Session in Edinburgh - European Court of Human Rights Work on a European Convention on the profession of lawyer Criminal Law - Corporate Social  
690. EN_newsletter_62.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo N° 62 May 2017 127th Plenary Session in Edinburgh - European Court of Human Rights Work on a European Convention on the profession of lawyer Criminal Law - Corporate Social  
Search results 681 until 690 of 1184