2344 results:
1221. EN_Norway_Regulations-for-advocates.pdf  
English text Regulations for Advocates (with comments to all chapters apart from 9 and 10 due to recent amendments) Chapter 1 The duty of advocates and others giving legal assistance to keep the  
1222. EN_Poland_Act-of-Parliament-on-Legal-Advisers.pdf  
Page 1 of 30 Journal of Laws of 1982 No item 145 ACT dated 6 July 1982 On Legal Counsels Prepared on the basis of: uniform text published in the Journal of Laws of 2002 No 123 item 1059, No 126 item  
1223. EN_Poland_The-Law-on-the-Advocates-Profession.pdf  
THE LAW ON THE ADVOCATES’ PROFESSION Dated 26 May 1982 (Journal of Laws of 2002, no. 123, item 1058, no. 153, item 1271, no. 126, item 1069, no. 78, item 717, of 2003 no. 124, item 1152, of 2004 no.  
1224. EN_Romania_Law-for-the-organization-and-practice-of-the-Lawyer-s-Profession.pdf  
Law no. 51 from June 7, 1995 for the organisation and practice of the lawyer’s profession CHAPTER I: General provisions Article 1 (1) The lawyer’s profession shall be free and independent, based on  
1225. EN_Slovak-Rep_Parliamentary-Act-No-5862003.pdf  
PARLIAMENTARY ACT No. 586/2003 Coll. on the Legal Profession and on Amending Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on the Business and SelfEmployment Services (Business Licensing Act) dated 4 December 2003 as  
1226. EN_Slovak-Rep_Parliamentary-Act-No-5862003.pdf  
PARLIAMENTARY ACT No. 586/2003 Coll. on the Legal Profession and on Amending Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on the Business and SelfEmployment Services (Business Licensing Act) dated 4 December 2003 as  
1227. EN_HRL_20130528_China_11_lawyers.pdf  
Le Président The President Mr Li Keqiang Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China Guojia Zongli, The State Council General Office Fuyoujie, Xichengqu Beijingshi 100017 People’s Republic of  
1228. EN_CTR_Turkey_Note.pdf  
THE CONTINUING TRAINING REGIME IN TURKEY BRIEF NOTE April 2012 Continuing training is not mandatory in Turkey. However, there are some provisions in Attorneyship Law that assigns a duty to the Union  
1229. EN_CTR_UK_England_and_Wales_SRA_Guide.pdf  
Continuing professional development Guide to the Solicitors Regulation Authority CPD scheme Education & Training Unit Last updated: 12 January 2010 12/01/2010 Page 1 of 32 www.sra.org.uk For  
1230. EN_CTR_UK_England_and_Wales_SRA_Guide.pdf  
Continuing professional development Guide to the Solicitors Regulation Authority CPD scheme Education & Training Unit Last updated: 12 January 2010 12/01/2010 Page 1 of 32 www.sra.org.uk For  
Search results 1221 until 1230 of 2344