1239 results:
711. CZ_newsletter_67.pdf  
CCBEInfo # 67 Listopad 2017 || 128. plenární zasedání CCBE v Bruselu || Cena CCBE za lidská práva – 11. ročník || Společná konference CCBE a UNBA v Kyjevě || Evaluace Evropské strategie  
712. CZ_newsletter_67.pdf  
CCBEInfo # 67 Listopad 2017 || 128. plenární zasedání CCBE v Bruselu || Cena CCBE za lidská práva – 11. ročník || Společná konference CCBE a UNBA v Kyjevě || Evaluace Evropské strategie  
713. EN_ITL_20071015_CCBE_Guidelines_Framework_electronic_ID_cards.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers FRAMEWORK FOR ESTABLISHING A EUROPEAN ELECTRONIC ID-CARDS SYSTEM Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies  
714. EN_ITL_20071015_CCBE_Guidelines_Framework_electronic_ID_cards.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers FRAMEWORK FOR ESTABLISHING A EUROPEAN ELECTRONIC ID-CARDS SYSTEM Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies  
715. FR_CPL_20090520_Answers_to_the_European_Commission_consultation_on_a_European_foundation_statute.pdf  
RÉPONSE À LA CONSULTATION DE LA COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE SUR UN STATUT DE FONDATION EUROPÉENNE Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe association internationale  
716. FR_CPL_20081024_CCBE_Comments_on_the_proposed_Statute_for_a_European_Private_Company.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s law yers COMMENTAIRES SUR LA PROPOSITION DE STATUT DE SOCIETE PRIVEE EUROPEENNE Co nse i l d e s b a r r e a ux e ur o p é e ns – Co unc i l  
717. FR_CRM_20110708_CCBE-briefing-paper-on-the-right-of-access-to-a-lawyer-in-criminal-proceedings-and-on-the-right-to-communicate-upon-arrest.pdf  
DOCUMENT D'INFORMATION SUR LA PROPOSITION DE DIRECTIVE SUR L'ACCÈS À UN AVOCAT Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe association internationale sans but  
718. FR_TR_20101022_CCBE_comments_on_European_legal_training.pdf  
COMMENTAIRES DU CCBE SUR LA FORMATION JURIDIQUE EUROPÉENNE Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe association internationale sans but lucratif Avenue de la  
719. FR_CRM_20140404_Proposal-for-a-Directive-of-the-European-Parliament-and-of-the-Council-on-procedural-safeguards-for-children-suspected-or-accused-in-criminal-proceedings.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 – F. : +32 (0)2  
720. Petition 11th DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Azerbaijan  
Petition 11th DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Azerbaijan Petition 11th DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Azerbaijan Petition 11th DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER Azerbaijan Petition 11th DAY OF THE ENDANGERED  
Search results 711 until 720 of 1239