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Position Papers

CCBE comments on the proposed Regulation and Directive relating to the specific requirements regarding statutory audit of public - interest entities (30/03/2012)


CCBE response to European Commission proposal for a directive on public procurement (30/03/2012)


CCBE Response to the European Commission Proposal for a Regulation on mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters (30/03/2012)


CCBE position on the Commission’s proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2005/36/EC (30/03/2012)


CCBE comments on the Proposal o f a Directive modifying the Transparency Directive 2004/109/EC - Note on the inclusion of exclusively cash - settled derivatives for ...


Proposals for a Directive and a Regulation of the European Commission on insider dealing and market manipulation : CCBE comments (16/02/2012)


CCBE Preliminary Position Paper regarding the proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (COM(2011)0635) (16/02/2012)


Technological choices of CCBE in the electronic identification of EU lawyers (01/02/2012)


The European Union Patent Jurisdiction (12/12/2011)


House of Lords Justice Institution Sub Committee Enquiry into EU Criminal Procedure Response on behalf of the CCBE (07/12/2011)


CCBE response to green paper Strengthening mutual trust in the European Judicial area a Green Paper on the application of EU Criminal Justice legislation in the field ...


CCBE Response to the Commission: The review of the third anti money laundering Directive (21/01/2011)


CCBE response to the recent position taken by France Belgium the Netherlands United Kingdom and Ireland regarding the proposed Directive on the right of access to a la...


CCBE Response to the European Commission's Consultation on Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress (09/09/2011)


CCBE response regarding the European Commission Public Consultation on Cloud Computing (09/09/2011)