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Position Papers

Comments of the CCBE Company law Committee on the proposal by the European Commission of October 2 2002 for a Directive on Take Over Bids (28/01/2003)


CCBE Response to the Consultation Paper from the European Commission concerning WTO Members Requests to the EC and its Member States for improved Market Access for Ser...


Response of the CCBE to the European Commission's Green Paper on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Civil and Commercial Law of 19/04/2002 (10/10/2002)


CCBE Response to the Financial Action Task Force FATF Consultation Paper. (11/09/2002)


Response of the CCBE company law committee to the consultative document of the Commission s High level group on A Modern Regulatory Framework for Company Law in Europe...


CCBE comments relating to the proposal for a Directive to improve access to justice in cross-border disputes by establishing minimum common rules relating to legal aid...


Action points for EU Bars and Law Societies on the implementation of the Money Laundering Directive (31/01/2002)


Inbound position of the CCBE vis a vis requests for liberalisation from third countries outside the European Union (01/03/2001)


Submission of the CCBE with regard to the hearing officer in EU Competition cases (25/11/2000)


Submission of the CCBE for the Intergovernmental Conference 2000 (03/11/2000)


Submission of the CCBE for the Intergovernmental Conference 2000 (31/10/2000)


Conclusions du CCBE pour la Conférence Intergouvernementale 2000 (03/11/2000)


Conclusions du CCBE pour la Conférence Intergouvernementale 2000 (31/10/2000)


Position of the CCBE in relation to GATS 2000 on the obligation for most favoured nation treatment (31/05/2000)


Response of the CCBE to the green paper from the EC on legal aid in civil matters (20/05/2000)