1653 results:
461. EN_HRL_20140806_Kazakhstan_Zinaida_Mukhortova.pdf  
Le Président The President President Nursultan Nazarbayev Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Akorda building, Left bank of the Ishim River, Astana, Kazakhstan Brussels, 6 August  
462. EN_Sweden_Morgenbesser.pdf  
Sweden (Information provided by the Swedish delegation to the CCBE, March 2012.) A. Contact point Mr Johan Sangborn, Swedish Bar Association e-mail: Johan.Sangborn@advokatsamfundet.se B. General  
463. EN_Sweden_Morgenbesser.pdf  
Sweden (Information provided by the Swedish delegation to the CCBE, March 2012.) A. Contact point Mr Johan Sangborn, Swedish Bar Association e-mail: Johan.Sangborn@advokatsamfundet.se B. General  
464. EN_Austria_Morgenbesser.pdf  
Austria (Information provided by the Austrian delegation to the CCBE, January 2012.) A. Contact Point Eva Röthler, Legal Adviser e-mail : roethler@oerak.at Tel: +43 1 535 12 75-25 Fax: +43 1 535 12  
465. EN_Austria_Morgenbesser.pdf  
Austria (Information provided by the Austrian delegation to the CCBE, January 2012.) A. Contact Point Eva Röthler, Legal Adviser e-mail : roethler@oerak.at Tel: +43 1 535 12 75-25 Fax: +43 1 535 12  
466. EN STAT 2006 Number of lawyers in European countries  
EN STAT 2006 Number of lawyers in European countries EN STAT 2006 Number of lawyers in European countries EN STAT 2006 Number of lawyers in European countries EN STAT 2006 Number of lawyers in  
467. EN_HRL_20140415_Syria_Maen_Al-Ghoneimi.pdf  
Le Président The President President Bashar al-Assad Presidential Palace al-Rashid Street Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Brussels, 15 April 2014 Re: Concerns regarding the death of Mr Maen  
468. EN_ETR_20080215_CCBE_response_to_the_EC_draft_CoC_for_interest_representatives.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CCBE RESPONSE TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION DRAFT CODE OF CONDUCT FOR INTEREST REPRESENTATIVES Conseil des barreaux européens – Council  
469. EN_HRL_20110627_China_Chen_Guangcheng.pdf  
27/06/2011 Le Président The President Mr. Wen Jiabao, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Guojia Zongli, The State Council General Office, Fuyoujie, Xichengqu, Beijingshi  
470. EN STAT 2004 Total number of Community lawyers registered per host Member State 2004  
EN STAT 2004 Total number of Community lawyers registered per host Member State 2004 EN STAT 2004 Total number of Community lawyers registered per host Member State 2004 EN STAT 2004 Total number of  
Search results 461 until 470 of 1653