2277 results:
231. Case 506/04 Graham J. Wilson v. Ordre des avocats du barreau de Luxembourg (19/09/2006)  
... (19/09/2006) 18.11.2006 Official Journal of the European Union EN C 281/11 of the obligation to keep... instance before a body composed exclusively of lawyers practising under the professional title of the...  
232. EN_NA_20171124_Resolution-of-the-Plenary-Session-of-Council-of-Bars-and-Law-Societies-of-Europe.pdf  
... Session of Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) 24/11/2017 The Council of Bars and Law... through them, over one million European lawyers. The CCBE is deeply concerned by the proposed...  
233. Convention européenne sur la profession d'avocat  
... CCBE Charte des principes essentiels de l'avocat européen et code de déontologie des avocats européens ... adoption of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers 07/09/2020 : Déclaration du CCBE à...  
234. EN_AML_20060831_Commission_report_on_the_impact_of_the_second_EU_money_laundering_Directive_on_the_legal_profession.pdf  
...COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Brussels, 19.12.2006 SEC(2006) 1793 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT The... scope of the implementing legislation: lawyers, notaries and others.......................  
235. EN_AML_20101029_FATF_Consultation_paper_-_The_review_of_the_Standards_-_Preparation_for_the_4th_Round_of_Mutual_Evalutations_-_October_2010.pdf  
... and others such as casinos, real estate dealers, lawyers and accountants. The FATF Recommendations are...  
236. EN_AML_20110620_Letter-to-FATF-regarding-review-of-the-Standards.pdf  
... and law societies represents around 1 million European lawyers. We share your view from the Foreward... societies represents around 1 million European lawyers. We share your view from the Foreward quoted above...  
238. EN_CPL_20030610_Letter_to_European_Commission_-_Modernising_Company_Law_and_Enhancing_Corporate_Governance_in_the_European_Union.pdf  
...Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Hellwig First Vice-President By... Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Hellwig First Vice-President By...  
239. EN_CPL_20020620_Response_of_the_CCBE_company_law_committee_to_the_consultative_document_of_the_Commission_s_High_level_group_on_A_Modern_Regulatory_Framework_for_Company_Law_in_Europe.pdf  
... of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union Rat der Anwaltschaften der Europäischen... looking at the idea of a Central European lawyers' directory in electronic form. Because of the...  
240. EN_CPL_20030128_Comments_of_the_CCBE_Company_law_Committee_on_the_proposal_by_the_European_Commission_of_October_2__2002_for_a_Directive_on_Take-Over_Bids.pdf  
... on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market of the European Parliament Comments on the proposal by the... the representative body of over 500,000 European lawyers. In addition to the member bars and law societies...  
Search results 231 until 240 of 2277