2199 results:
271. EN_CPT_20050630_CCBE_Position_on_Regulatory_and_Representative_Functions_of_Bars.pdf  
... governments when carrying out a review of the legal profession. The CCBE will first briefly summarise in...  
272. EN_CPT_20051119_CCBE_comments_on_Commission_progress_report_on_competition_in_professional_services.pdf  
... the Commission’s exercise and the reform of the legal profession in general. Second, the CCBE recalls...  
273. EN_CPT_20060331_CCBE_Economic_Submission_to_Commission_progress_report_on_Competition_in_Professional_Services.pdf  
... to show - with reference to the structure of the legal profession and a number of professional rules which... educational requirements of lawyers are often said to be restrictive of competition since they may...  
274. EN_CPT_20080626_CCBE_comments_on_white_paper_on_Damages_actions_for_breach_of_the_EC_antitrust_rules.pdf  
... approach” in deciding upon the appropriate legal framework for more effective antitrust damages...  
275. EN_CPT_20090122_OECD_II_-_Annex_Observations_from_CCBE_National_Delegations.pdf  
... agréés. Report on „COMPETITIVE RESTRICTIONS IN LEGAL PROFESSSIONS“ DAF/COMP(2007)39 28 January... litigations. In Denmark different types of legal aid exist. Legal aid at level 1, which is free, takes...  
276. EN_CRM_20060407_Programme-of-the-Conference-on-the-creation-of-a-European-Criminal-Law-Ombudsman.pdf  
... Member State? How do they organise the money for legal aid, deal with language problems and costs for... State? How do they organise the money for legal aid, deal with language problems and costs for translators...  
277. FR_DEON_20100125_CCBE_letter_in_response_to_Legal_Services_Board.pdf  
... fais référence au document de consultation du Legal Services Board du 18 novembre 2009 sur les «...  
278. EN_DEON_20021216_CCBE_response_to_SEC.pdf  
... to take account of the sovereignty of nations and legal systems, undermines local regulation by bars, and... law for damages, or even to being charged with aiding and abetting a criminal offence. That is not to say...  
279. EN_CRM_20140404_Commission-recommendation-on-procedural-safeguards-for-vulnerable-persons-suspected-or-accused-in-criminal-proceedings.pdf  
... are already in place court appointed guardians as legal representatives, or persons who are acknowledged to...  
280. EN_CRM_20140404_Proposal-for-a-Directive-of-the-European-Parliament-and-of-the-Council-on-procedural-safeguards-for-children-suspected-or-accused-in-criminal-proceedings.pdf  
... of liberty. 63. We note that the issue of legal aid is not being dealt with in this Directive but... of liberty. 63. We note that the issue of legal aid is not being dealt with in this Directive but will...  
Search results 271 until 280 of 2199