914 results:
641. EN_CPL_20020620_Response_of_the_CCBE_company_law_committee_to_the_consultative_document_of_the_Commission_s_High_level_group_on_A_Modern_Regulatory_Framework_for_Company_Law_in_Europe.pdf  
CCBE Conseil des Barreaux de l’Union Européenne Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union Rat der Anwaltschaften der Europäischen Union Ráð Lögmannafélaga í Evrópusambandinu Raad  
642. EN_ECJ_20020219_309-99_CELEX_61999CJ0309_EN_TXT.pdf  
WOUTERS AND OTHERS JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 19 February 2002 * In Case C-309/99, REFERENCE to the Court under Article 234 EC by the Raad van State for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending  
643. EN_ECJ_20020219_309-99_CELEX_61999CJ0309_EN_TXT.pdf  
WOUTERS AND OTHERS JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 19 February 2002 * In Case C-309/99, REFERENCE to the Court under Article 234 EC by the Raad van State for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending  
644. Guidelines for Bars & Law Societies on Free Movement of Lawyers within the European Union (19/10/2016)  
Guidelines for Bars & Law Societies on Free Movement of Lawyers within the European Union (19/10/2016) Guidelines for Bars & Law Societies on Free Movement of Lawyers within the European Union  
645. EN_CTR_Romania_Training_programme.pdf  
The Continuous professional training program of lawyers during January the 1st, 2008 – January the 1st, 2011 I. OBJECTIVES. PURPOSE. INVOLVED INSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITIES. a. The lawyer has the  
646. EN_CTR_Romania_Training_programme.pdf  
The Continuous professional training program of lawyers during January the 1st, 2008 – January the 1st, 2011 I. OBJECTIVES. PURPOSE. INVOLVED INSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITIES. a. The lawyer has the  
647. HR_newsletter_48.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Predsjedništvo CCBE-a 2016., glavni tajnik Philip Buisseret i bivša predsjednica Maria Slazak Broj 48 Prosinac 2015.- Siječanj 2016. Uvodnik - 2016.: godina svih opasnosti? -  
648. HR_newsletter_48.pdf  
Info CCBEInfo Predsjedništvo CCBE-a 2016., glavni tajnik Philip Buisseret i bivša predsjednica Maria Slazak Broj 48 Prosinac 2015.- Siječanj 2016. Uvodnik - 2016.: godina svih opasnosti? -  
649. PT_CELEX_32006L0123_PT_TXT.pdf  
L 376/36 Jornal Oficial da União Europeia PT 27.12.2006 DIRECTIVA 2006/123/CE DO PARLAMENTO EUROPEU E DO CONSELHO de 12 de Dezembro de 2006 relativa aos serviços no mercado interno O PARLAMENTO  
650. FR_CRM_20101022_CCBE-Response-to-Commission-Consultation-on-Victims-rights.pdf  
RÉPONSE DU CCBE À LA CONSULTATION DE LA COMMISSION SUR LES DROITS DES VICTIMES Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe association internationale sans but  
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