2202 results:
1611. EN_PDS_20180124_PR_0318.pdf  
PRESS RELEASE PACE calls for European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer 24/01/2018 A major step forward for human rights in Europe as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)  
1612. EN_MOD_20161202_Model_Article_on_Confidentiality.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 Email :  
1613. EN_TR_20071123_CCBE_Recommentations_on_Training_Outcomes_for_European_Lawyers.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CCBE Recommendation on Training Outcomes for European Lawyers Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of  
1614. EN_HRL_20141024_Iran_Nasrin_Sotoudeh.pdf  
Le Président The President Leader of the Islamic Republic His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Office of the Supreme Leader Shahid Keshvardoost St. Jomhuri Eslami Av., Tehran Islamic Republic  
1615. EN_PAT_20160504_CCBE-preliminary-observations-on-the-draft-Code-of-Conduct-for-the-Unified-Patent-Court.pdf  
Le Président The President Mr Alexander Ramsay Chairman Preparatory Committee Unified Patent Court 4 May 2016 Re: CCBE comments on the draft Code of Conduct for the UPC 1. Introduction The Council  
1616. EN_PDL_20140703_Presentations-from-the-conference-EU-Courts-looking-forward-that-took-place-on-28-April-in-Brussels.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 – F. : +32 (0)2  
1617. EN_PDL_20190924_Speech-given-by-CCBE-First-Vice-President-Ranko-PELICARI.pdf  
Speech of CCBE Vice-President, Ranko PELICARIĆ, on “The General Court of the European Union in the digital era” delivered on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the General  
1618. EN_PDL_20190924_Speech-given-by-CCBE-First-Vice-President-Ranko-PELICARI.pdf  
Speech of CCBE Vice-President, Ranko PELICARIĆ, on “The General Court of the European Union in the digital era” delivered on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the General  
1619. EN_HRL_20141024_Iran_Nasrin_Sotoudeh.pdf  
Le Président The President Leader of the Islamic Republic His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Office of the Supreme Leader Shahid Keshvardoost St. Jomhuri Eslami Av., Tehran Islamic Republic  
1620. EN_PDL_20120907_Practical-Guidance-for-Advocates-before-the-Court-of-Justice-in-Preliminary-Referencce-Cases.pdf  
PRACTICAL GUIDANCE for Advocates before the Court of Justice in Preliminary Reference Cases 20 12 This practical guidance is addressed principally to those appearing for the first time in the  
Search results 1611 until 1620 of 2202