1073 results:
1021. EN_PAT_20131018_15th-draft-of-the-rules-of-procedure-of-the-unified-patent-court-dated-31-may-2013-Comments-from-the-CCBE.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 – F. : +32 (0)2  
1022. EN_TR_20190404_REFOTRA-report.pdf  
REFOTRA project Assessment report on the situation in EU and EEA Member States regarding recognition of foreign training 1|Page Table of contents 1) Introduction – page 3 2) Glossary and  
1023. EN_TR_20190404_REFOTRA-report.pdf  
REFOTRA project Assessment report on the situation in EU and EEA Member States regarding recognition of foreign training 1|Page Table of contents 1) Introduction – page 3 2) Glossary and  
1024. EN_CSR_20130131_Overview-of-CSR-developments-at-a-national-level.pdf  
Overview Table Corporate Social Responsibility Intoduction This country report “overview table“ provides an overview of CSR developments at a national level. The information has been provided  
1025. EN_CPT_20120330_CCBE_response_to_European_Commission_proposal_for_a_directive_on_public_procurement.pdf  
CCBE RESPONSE TO EUROPEAN COMMISSION PROPOSAL FOR A DIRECTIVE ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe association internationale sans but  
1026. EN_INS_20040130_Final-report.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CONFERENCE FACILITATING PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE FOR EUROPEAN LAWYERS vendredi 30 janvier 2004 MAISON DU BARREAU — 2, RUE DE  
1027. HR_Award_Leaflet.pdf  
10TH CCBE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD DIXIÈME REMISE DU PRIX DROITS DE L’HOMME DU CCBE The CCBE Human Rights award is granted to lawyer or a lawyers’ organisations who has brought honour to the legal  
1028. EN_Handbook_2017.pdf  
E-VOLVING LAWYERS How digital transformation can enrich the relationship between the citizen and the lawyer HANDBOOK EUROPEAN LAWYERS DAY 2017 - 25 October 2017 - CONTENT #1 Foreword . . . . . .  
1029. FR_SVL_20181019_CCBE-position-on-Commission-proposal-Regulation-on-European-Production-and-Preservation-Orders-for-e-evidence.pdf  
Position du CCBE sur la proposition de la Commission pour un règlement relatif aux injonctions européennes de production et de conservation de preuves électroniques en matière pénale 19/10/2018 Le  
1030. FR_SVL_20181019_CCBE-position-on-Commission-proposal-Regulation-on-European-Production-and-Preservation-Orders-for-e-evidence.pdf  
Position du CCBE sur la proposition de la Commission pour un règlement relatif aux injonctions européennes de production et de conservation de preuves électroniques en matière pénale 19/10/2018 Le  
Search results 1021 until 1030 of 1073