443 results:
271. Lignes directrices du CCBE sur l'utilisation des outils de travail à distance par les avocats et les procédures judiciaires à distance (27/11/2020)  
... les fournisseurs de plateformes vendent-ils ou partagent-ils des données personnelles ? 5. À quelle surveillance les données détenues par les fournisseurs de plateformes dans le nuage pourraient-elles être...  
272. EN_newsletter_55.pdf  
... The CCBE also highlighted the European Lawyers in Lesvos project, the CCBE Recommendations on surveillance, the Free Movement of Lawyers guide, and Brexit.  The ACLA represents about 300.000 lawyers, and...  
273. FR_DEON_20150430_CCBEs_comments_on_OECD_public_discussion_draft_review.pdf  
... and legal professional privilege in Europe du 30 septembre 2003 et c) Étude comparative du CCBE sur la surveillance gouvernementale des données des avocats hébergées dans le nuage. 8 Voir le rapport de D.A.O....  
274. EN_SVL_20181019_CCBE-position-on-Commission-proposal-Regulation-on-European-Production-and-Preservation-Orders-for-e-evidence.pdf  
... other entities (similar, for example, to article 15 of the Draft Legal Instrument on Government-led Surveillance and Privacy). The importance of a Judicial review mechanism to safeguard fundamental rights is...  
275. EN_SVL_20181019_CCBE-position-on-Commission-proposal-Regulation-on-European-Production-and-Preservation-Orders-for-e-evidence.pdf  
... other entities (similar, for example, to article 15 of the Draft Legal Instrument on Government-led Surveillance and Privacy). The importance of a Judicial review mechanism to safeguard fundamental rights is...  
276. FR_ECJ_20020219_309-99_CELEX_61999CJ0309_FR_TXT.pdf  
... Orde van Advocaten (ordre néerlandais des avocats) refusant d'annuler des décisions de comités de surveillance des ordres des avocats des arrondissements d'Amsterdam et de Rotterdam leur interdisant d'exercer...  
277. EN_HRL_20191125_Colombia_Death-threats-against-lawyer-German-Romero-Sanchez.pdf  
... phone call on 3 October 2019. We understand that Germán Romero Sánchez has already suffered acts of surveillance during the last few months and that his laptop was also stolen. In this context, the CCBE wishes...  
278. EN_SVL_20180119_Brief-of-the-CCBE-as-amicus-curiae-in-support-of-respondent-in-Microsoft-Ireland-Case.pdf  
... of Europe, CCBE Recommendations: On the protection of client confidentiality within the context of surveillance activities 13–16, http://www. ccbe.eu/documents/publications/ . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nigel...  
279. EN_SVL_20180119_Brief-of-the-CCBE-as-amicus-curiae-in-support-of-respondent-in-Microsoft-Ireland-Case.pdf  
... of Europe, CCBE Recommendations: On the protection of client confidentiality within the context of surveillance activities 13–16, http://www. ccbe.eu/documents/publications/ . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nigel...  
280. Statement by Birgit Van Hout  
... of court proceedings. In other cases, lawyers have been subjected to threats, harassment, and surveillance because of opinions expressed in the legitimate exercise of their functions. International...  
Search results 271 until 280 of 443