2320 results:
321. EN_DEON_19761029_Edwards_report.pdf  
... PROFESSIONAL SECRET, CONFIDENTIALITY AND LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE IN THE NINE MEMBER STATES... of justice which cannot go on without the aid of men skilled in jurisprudence, in the practice of...  
322. EN_DEON_20030930_Update_of_th_Edwards_report.pdf  
...THE PROFESSIONAL SECRET, CONFIDENTIALITY AND LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PRIVILEGE IN EUROPE (An update on the Report by D.A.O.... since the European Court of Human Rights has said that legal professional secrecy is a fundamental human...  
323. EN_DEON_20040227_Fish_report.pdf  
... d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Regulated legal professionals and professional privilege within... are determined in accordance with criteria laid down by the Courts. As a general rule, privilege...  
324. EN_DISC_20070917_CCBE_Recommendations_disciplinary_proceedings.pdf  
... RECOMMENDATIONS ON DISCIPLINARY PROCESS FOR THE LEGAL PROFESSION “Rules of professional conduct are... with the principles of due process, as laid down in the European Convention on Human Rights,...  
325. EN_CELEX_32005L0036_EN_TXT.pdf  
... and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in... conditions of pursuit which might be laid down by the latter Member State, provided that these...  
326. ES_CELEX_32005L0036_ES_TXT.pdf  
... la presente Directiva no altera las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas de los Estados... have met the requisite threshold standards as laid down in Article 46 of this Directive and in Criteria...  
327. FR_CELEX_32005L0036_FR_TXT.pdf  
...eute [«Sprachtherapeut(in)»]; en République tchèque: — aide-soignant («zdravotnický asistent»), qui représente une...  
328. PT_CELEX_32005L0036_PT_TXT.pdf  
... empresa. a) Se o prestador de serviços estiver legalmente estabelecido num Estado-Membro para nele exercer... have met the requisite threshold standards as laid down in Article 46 of this Directive and in Criteria...  
329. RO_CELEX_32005L0036_RO_TXT.pdf  
... obținute, experiența profesională), domiciliul legal, sancțiunile impuse în cadrul profesiei sale, precum și... met the requisite threshold standards as laid down in Article 46 of this Directive and in Criteria...  
330. EN_CELEX_32006L0123_EN_TXT.pdf  
... they often arise from administrative burdens, the legal uncertainty associated with cross-border activity... interest and does not apply to systems of aids granted by Member States, in particular in the social...  
Search results 321 until 330 of 2320