443 results:
441. EN_CRM_20161117_Study-on-the-European-Arrest-Warrant.pdf  
... the duty not to leave the country or a certain place. Recently also the possibility of electronic surveillance was introduced, though this measure had been applied until now only in a very few cases, none...  
442. EN_EPL_20100107_Principles__definitions_and_model_rules_of_European_private_law_-_Draft_Common_Frame_of_Reference__DCFR_.pdf  
... or even to maintain the condition of the car. The rules on processing apply. Illustration 6 A surveillance company supervises the building in which a factory is located. Although the control over the...  
443. EN_FML_20131125_Study_on_the_Evaluation_of_the_Legal_Framework_for_the_Free_Movement_of_Lawyers__PanteiaMaastricht_University_.pdf  
... according to the services directive Member States are obliged to exercise their domestic powers of surveillance and supervision also for services provided in other Member States. The instruments mentioned...  
Search results 441 until 443 of 443