952 results:
601. EN Final Report Colombia DEF  
EN Final Report Colombia DEF EN Final Report Colombia DEF EN Final Report Colombia DEF EN Final Report Colombia DEF EN Final Report Colombia DEF EN Final Report Colombia DEF EN Final Report Colombia  
602. FR_FSL_20161202_CCBE_position_on_the_proposal_for_a_recast_of_the_Brussels_IIa_Regulation.pdf  
Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but lucratif Rue Joseph II, 40 /8 – 1000 Bruxelles T. : +32 (0)2 234 65 10 Email :  
603. EN_CSR_20130131_Overview-of-CSR-developments-at-a-national-level.pdf  
Overview Table Corporate Social Responsibility Intoduction This country report “overview table“ provides an overview of CSR developments at a national level. The information has been provided  
604. EN_Italy_Code_of_Conduct_for_Italian_Lawyers.pdf  
NATIONAL BAR COUNCIL MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers (Approved by the National Bar Council during the session of January 31st 2014) TITLE I GENERAL PRINCIPLES Article  
605. EN_Italy_Code_of_Conduct_for_Italian_Lawyers.pdf  
NATIONAL BAR COUNCIL MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers (Approved by the National Bar Council during the session of January 31st 2014) TITLE I GENERAL PRINCIPLES Article  
606. EN_Poland_The-Law-on-the-Advocates-Profession.pdf  
THE LAW ON THE ADVOCATES’ PROFESSION Dated 26 May 1982 (Journal of Laws of 2002, no. 123, item 1058, no. 153, item 1271, no. 126, item 1069, no. 78, item 717, of 2003 no. 124, item 1152, of 2004 no.  
607. ES_SOC_20040326_Rome_Questionnaire.pdf  
Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers CONFERENCIA “LA SEGURIDAD SOCIAL DE LOS ABOGADOS EUROPEOS " ROMA – 26 DE MARZO DE 2004 Datos recogidos en colaboración con las  
608. Speech_Jose-de-Freitas.pdf  
JOSÉ DE FREITAS ADVOGADO Caros Senhores, … … … É com estrema satisfação que vejo consumada esta conferência antes do final do meu mandato como Presidente do Conselho Europeu das Ordens de  
609. EN_Handbook_A4_final.pdf  
10 December 2014 EUROPEAN LAWYERS DAY ccbe.eu/lawyersday CONTENTS I. Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II. European lawyers  
610. FR_Handbook_2017.pdf  
AVOCATS EN E-VOLUTION Comment la transformation numérique peut renforcer la relation entre le justiciable et l’avocat LIVRET JOURNÉE EUROPÉENNE DES AVOCATS 2017 - 25 octobre 2017 -  
Search results 601 until 610 of 952