2429 results:
291. EN_AML_20111021_CCBE_Response_to_the_Commission_The_review_of_the_third_anti-money_laundering_Directive.pdf  
... 15 Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of... 6 3.4. Reporting by lawyers...  
292. EN_AML_20121021_CCBE_Response_to_the_April_2012_Commission_Report_on_the_application_of_Directive_200560EC.pdf  
... OF DIRECTIVE 2005/60/EC Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of... the section dealing with the treatment of lawyers and other independent legal professionals. The...  
293. EN_AML_20130518_CCBE_response_to_the_proposal_for_a_new_anti-money_laundering_Directive.pdf  
...Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but... and through them more than 1 million European lawyers. The CCBE welcomes the opportunity to engage in a...  
294. EN_AML_20160916_CCBE_comments_on_the_proposal__to_amend_Directive_on_the_prevention_of_the_use_of_the_financial_system_for_the_purpose_of_money_laundering_or_terrorist_financing.pdf  
...Conseil des barreaux européens Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe Association internationale sans but... and through them more than 1 million European lawyers. The CCBE has examined the proposal of 5 July 2016...  
295. EN_AML_20170124_Responses_of_inquiry_questions_to_the_CCBE_from_EP_Committee_of_Inquiry_into_Money_Laundering__Tax_Avoidance_and_Tax_Evasion__PANA_.pdf  
... to the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) 1. Your organisation has co-written “A... out onsite inspections of client accounts held by lawyers and these accounts are usually subject to an...  
296. EN_AML_20170124_Statement_from_the_CCBE_regarding_EP_Committee_of_Inquiry_into_Money_Laundering__Tax_Avoidance_and_Tax_Evasion__PANA_.pdf  
... from the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) Good morning. I am here today on behalf of... and through them more than 1 million European lawyers. The CCBE is delighted to have the opportunity to...  
297. FR_AML_20020911_CCBE_Response_to_the_Financial_Action_Task_Force_FATF__Consultation_Paper.pdf  
...11/09/02 Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Secrétariat du GAFI, 2, rue André... Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Secrétariat du GAFI, 2, rue André Pascal FR-75775...  
298. FR_AML_20041104_CCBE_position_on_the_requirements_on_a_lawyer_to_report_suspicions_of_money_laundering_and_on_the_European_Commission_Proposal_for_a_Third_EU_Directive_on.pdf  
...Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Position du Conseil des Barreaux de l’Union européenne... Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Position du Conseil des Barreaux de l’Union européenne...  
299. FR_AML_20070213_CCBE_comments_on_the_Commission_Staff_Working_Document_-_The_application_to_the_legal_profession_of_Directive_91308EEC_on_the_prevention_of_the_use_of_the.pdf  
...Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Commentaires du CCBE sur le document de travail de... Représentant les avocats d’Europe Representing Europe’s lawyers Commentaires du CCBE sur le document de travail de...  
300. FR_AML_20111021_CCBE_Response_to_the_Commission_The_review_of_the_third_anti-money_laundering_Directive.pdf  
... 3E DIRECTIVE ANTI-BLANCHIMENT Conseil des barreaux européens – Council of Bars and Law Societies of... is provided, which could lead to difficulties for lawyers to know the exact scope of their confidential duty....  
Search results 291 until 300 of 2429