952 results:
671. ES_SOC_20040326_Rome_CONSLEG_1408-71_on_the_application_of_social_security_schemes.pdf  
ES TEXTO consolidado producido por el sistema CONSLEG de la Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas CONSLEG: 1971R1408 — 01/09/2001 Número de páginas: 130 < Oficina de  
672. EN_FML_2016_Guide.pdf  
EUROPEAN LAWYERS EUROPEAN BARS BARREAUX EUROPÉENS AVOCATS EUROPÉENS Guidelines for Bars & Law Societies on Free Movement of Lawyers within the European Union To access to all the links in this  
673. EN_TR_20190725_REFOTRA-Recommendations-for-solutions-to-facilitate-the-recognition-of-cross-border-training.pdf  
REFOTRA project (JUST/JTRA/EJTR/AG/2017, no 800827) Recommendations for solutions to facilitate the recognition of cross-border training Table of contents I. Introduction  
674. EN_TR_20190725_REFOTRA-Recommendations-for-solutions-to-facilitate-the-recognition-of-cross-border-training.pdf  
REFOTRA project (JUST/JTRA/EJTR/AG/2017, no 800827) Recommendations for solutions to facilitate the recognition of cross-border training Table of contents I. Introduction  
675. EN_Spain_General-by-law-of-the-Spanish-Lawyers.pdf  
General By-law of Spanish Bar Associations ROYAL DECREE 658 / 2001, 22nd JUNE, BY WHICH THE GENERAL BY-LAW OF THE SPANISH LAWYERS IS APPROVED Official Gazette of the State, 10th July A State  
676. EN_Spain_General-by-law-of-the-Spanish-Lawyers.pdf  
General By-law of Spanish Bar Associations ROYAL DECREE 658 / 2001, 22nd JUNE, BY WHICH THE GENERAL BY-LAW OF THE SPANISH LAWYERS IS APPROVED Official Gazette of the State, 10th July A State  
677. EN_CPL_20020620_Response_of_the_CCBE_company_law_committee_to_the_consultative_document_of_the_Commission_s_High_level_group_on_A_Modern_Regulatory_Framework_for_Company_Law_in_Europe.pdf  
CCBE Conseil des Barreaux de l’Union Européenne Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union Rat der Anwaltschaften der Europäischen Union Ráð Lögmannafélaga í Evrópusambandinu Raad  
678. EN_ECJ_20020219_309-99_CELEX_61999CJ0309_EN_TXT.pdf  
WOUTERS AND OTHERS JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 19 February 2002 * In Case C-309/99, REFERENCE to the Court under Article 234 EC by the Raad van State for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending  
679. EN_ECJ_20020219_309-99_CELEX_61999CJ0309_EN_TXT.pdf  
WOUTERS AND OTHERS JUDGMENT OF THE COURT 19 February 2002 * In Case C-309/99, REFERENCE to the Court under Article 234 EC by the Raad van State for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending  
680. EN_CTR_Romania_Training_programme.pdf  
The Continuous professional training program of lawyers during January the 1st, 2008 – January the 1st, 2011 I. OBJECTIVES. PURPOSE. INVOLVED INSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITIES. a. The lawyer has the  
Search results 671 until 680 of 952