3902 results:
491. EN_TR_20190404_REFOTRA-report.pdf  
REFOTRA project Assessment report on the situation in EU and EEA Member States regarding recognition of foreign training 1|Page Table of contents 1) Introduction – page 3 2) Glossary and...  
492. EN_TR_20190404_REFOTRA-report.pdf  
REFOTRA project Assessment report on the situation in EU and EEA Member States regarding recognition of foreign training 1|Page Table of contents 1) Introduction – page 3 2) Glossary and...  
493. EN_HRL_20190313_Iran_Sentencing-of-lawyer-Nasrin-Sotoudeh.pdf  
Le Président The President President of the Islamic Republic of Iran His Excellency Hassan Rouhani Sa'adabad Palace Darband, Zafaraniyeh, Tajrish, Valiasr Street Tehran Islamic Republic of...  
494. EN_HRL_20190313_Iran_Sentencing-of-lawyer-Nasrin-Sotoudeh.pdf  
Le Président The President President of the Islamic Republic of Iran His Excellency Hassan Rouhani Sa'adabad Palace Darband, Zafaraniyeh, Tajrish, Valiasr Street Tehran Islamic Republic of...  
495. EN_SVL_20190329_Annex-to-CCBE-Recommendations-on-the-protection-of-fundamental-rights-in-the-context-of-national-security.pdf  
CCBE SURVEY regarding the meaning and use of ‘national security’ as a legal concept in European states 1. In your jurisdiction, is there a legal concept of ‘national security’? Austria Belgium Czech...  
496. EN_MIG_20190329_CCBE-Comments-on-the-Commission-proposal-for-a-directive-on-common-standards-and-procedures-in-Member-States-for-returning-illegally-staying-third-country-nationals.pdf  
CCBE comments on the Commission proposal for a Directive on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (recast) 29/03/2019 The Council...  
497. FR_MIG_20190329_CCBE-Comments-on-the-Commission-proposal-for-a-directive-on-common-standards-and-procedures-in-Member-States-for-returning-illegally-staying-third-country-nationals.pdf  
Commentaires du CCBE sur la proposition de directive de la Commission relative aux normes et procédures communes applicables dans les États membres au retour des ressortissants de pays tiers en...  
498. FR_MIG_20190329_CCBE-Comments-on-the-Commission-proposal-for-a-directive-on-common-standards-and-procedures-in-Member-States-for-returning-illegally-staying-third-country-nationals.pdf  
Commentaires du CCBE sur la proposition de directive de la Commission relative aux normes et procédures communes applicables dans les États membres au retour des ressortissants de pays tiers en...  
499. EN_HRL_20190326_Turkey_Sentencing-of-18-human-rights-lawyers.pdf  
Le Président The President His Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan President of the Republic of Turkey Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi 06689 Çankaya, Ankara Turkey Brussels, 26 March 2019 Subject:...  
500. EN_HRL_20190326_Turkey_Sentencing-of-18-human-rights-lawyers.pdf  
Le Président The President His Excellency Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan President of the Republic of Turkey Cumhurbaşkanlığı Külliyesi 06689 Çankaya, Ankara Turkey Brussels, 26 March 2019 Subject:...  
Search results 491 until 500 of 3902